Having trouble finding Twinkies in your area? Wondering where you can you buy Twinkies and other delicious Hostess Snacks while traveling? Ponder no more! Use our custom Twinkie locator map to find places in your area where Hostess products are sold. Don’t worry, it’s not JUST Twinkies, have a hankering for some Wonder Bread or Swiss Rolls, Hostess Fruit Pies or Sweet Streusel Cakes? This is the map for you! Our goal is to help people around the world find places that sell Hostess Snacks, so please click the Add button on the map to share your favorite place to buy Hostess Snacks!
This interactive Twinkie map allows you to zoom, add item, grab & move, etc
Click here to search (try “fried Twinkies”)
Where can you buy Twinkies in China? Do they sell Twinkies in Russia, Stores that sell Twinkies in Korea, Japanese stores selling Twinkies.
Open this map in super big full screen http://tiny.cc/Twinkie-Locator