How do I change my avatar?:
You will notice a toolbar at the top of our website. This is your bar with information and tools you may find useful. To change your avatar (image) click my account, profile, change avatar as seen in the image below:
Where is my toolbar?:
If you do not have a tool bar at the top of our website, you may be viewing us on your cellphone or you may need to update your browser or use a different web browser. Don’t worry, you can still access your information at the following addresses.
- Change avatar and browse your profile: - Change your signature and edit your bio:
Abusive or Spammy comments:
I have run enough blogs to know that some people make spamming a 24-7 job. Sure, you can fight back with captchas, spam analyzers, black lists, etc, but none work as good as you, the great people that make this blog worthwhile. Now we have implemented a feature that will not only let you vote on comments, good or bad, (similar to the facebook Like button, but now you can also “Dislike”) but also you now have the ability to flag comments. If you feel a comment is inappropriate due to being spammy, hostile, vulgar, etc.. feel free to flag it. Thank you for your help!